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Heavy, sturdy, large and with handle, the mug is a fun and serious piece of glassware that comes in many sizes and shapes. The best part of using a mug is that you can clink them together with more confidence than other types of glassware, and they hold loads of beer. Seidel is a German mug, while a Stein is the stone equivalent that traditionally features a lid, the use of which dates back to the Black Plague to prevent flies from dropping in. 

Benefits: Easy to drink out of. Holds plenty of volume.


Never chill your glassware, and decline if served a frosted glass. Why? As the beer hits the frosted glass condensation will occur and dilute your beer, while at the same time alter the serving temperature. 

Hand washing glasses is recommended as some dishwashers will leave residues on the glass. If you have a new dishwasher with a sanitation cycle, using that with no soap is a great option as well. Allow your glasses to air dry whenever possible. It is not recommended to hand dry because towels can leave lint which will affect head retention.

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Note: Ingredients and labels may change without notice and translation and/or typographical errors are possible. Therefore consumers are advised to check the ingredient lists on the package for substances that might be incompatible with them BEFORE ingestion. The European Parliament directives and amendments pertaining to compulsory food labeling can vary depending on the item in question and producers are not always required to provide a detailed and complete listing of all ingredients. When in doubt contact the manufacturer before consuming this item.