Sold Out! Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT SCHLENKERLA LENTBEER 16oz MSRP: Now: $21.49 Was: ABV: 5.9% IBU: --BREWERY DESCRIPTION:The Original Schlenkerla Lentbeer is an unfiltered smokebeer, brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516. Bottom-fermenting yeast... MSRP: Now: $21.49 Was: Sold Out! Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT SCHLENKERLA MARZEN 16oz 4-PACK MSRP: Now: $21.99 Was: ABV: 5.1% IBU: 30BREWERY DESCRIPTION:Rauchbier is a type of beer that uses malted barley dried over an open flame or kiln. This smoked bock beer is Bamberg's speciality, a dark,... MSRP: Now: $21.99 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Sold Out! Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT HELLES SCHLENKERLA LAGER 1 Pt MSRP: Now: $6.49 Was: ABV: 4.3% IBU: --BREWERY DESCRIPTION:'Schlenkerla Helles' is brewed with fine Bavarian aroma hops from the area around the city of Nürnberg. It's lagered in century old caves... MSRP: Now: $6.49 Was: Sold Out! Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT RAUCHBIER URBOCK 500ml MSRP: Now: $6.45 Was: ABV: 6.5% IBU: 40BREWERY DESCRIPTION:Rauchbier is a type of beer that uses malted barley that is dried over an open flame or kiln. This smoked bock beer is made for Bamberg's strong... MSRP: Now: $6.45 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECH SCHLENKERLA EICHE DOPPELBOCK 16.9oz MSRP: Now: $6.99 Was: ABV: 8% IBU: --BREWERY DESCRIPTION:Following century old recipes all malts made at the Schlenkerla brewery are dried by wood fire. While for the classic 'Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier'... MSRP: Now: $6.99 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Sold Out! Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT SCHELNKERLA, .25L MSRP: Now: $2.99 Was: AECHT SCHELNKERLA, .25L MSRP: Now: $2.99 Was: Sold Out! Quick view
Add to Cart Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum BRAUEREI HELLER AECHT RAUCHBIER MARZEN 500ml MSRP: Now: $6.49 Was: ABV: 5.1% IBU: 30BREWERY DESCRIPTION:Rauchbier is a type of beer that uses malted barley dried over an open flame or kiln. This smoked bock beer is Bamberg's speciality, a dark,... MSRP: Now: $6.49 Was: Add to Cart Quick view
Sold Out! Quick view Brauerei Heller-trum AECHT SCHLENKERLA GLASS .5L MSRP: Now: $3.99 Was: AECHT SCHLENKERLA GLASS .5L MSRP: Now: $3.99 Was: Sold Out! Quick view