THAI GLUTEN FREE YELLOW CURRY SPICE PASTE MIX 50g. (Nam Prik Kaeng Kari) A blend of turmeric, chillies, cumin and other aromatic curry spices in Thai Yellow Curry, reflects an Indian influence on Thai cuisine. Makes a delicious dish with meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables. Ingredients: Shallots, soybean oil, salt, garlic, lemongrass, sigar, red chillies, ground coriander seeds, ginger, shrimp paste (shrimp, salt), ground cumin, mustard, fenugreek, spices.
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Note: Ingredients and labels may change without notice and translation and/or typographical errors are possible. Therefore consumers are advised to check the ingredient lists on the package for substances that might be incompatible with them BEFORE ingestion. The European Parliament directives and amendments pertaining to compulsory food labeling can vary depending on the item in question and producers are not always required to provide a detailed and complete listing of all ingredients. When in doubt contact the manufacturer before consuming this item.